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De La Salle – Anniversario della Convenzione sui Diritti del Fanciullo

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Il 30 ottobre dalle 15 alle 19 presso la casa generalizia dei Fratelli delle Scuole Cristiane (De La Salle) presso l’Aula Magna, Via Aurelia, 476 – 00165 Rome si terrà una Conferenza sulla Convenzione dei Diritti del Fanciullo del 1989.

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) together with the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the Fondazione De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale ONLUS organize this event which aims at sharing good practices on child protection, preventing all forms of violence and accompanying children and adolescents who are victims of violence.3 PM – 3.15PM Welcoming and introduction to the event
Br. Gustavo Ramírez Barba, General Councilor for the Association and Mission of the De La Salle Brothers
Alessandra Aula, Secretary General of BICE

 3.15 PM – 3.45 PM Opening speech
Father Hans Zollner, President of the Center for Child Protection, Pontifical Gregorian University and Member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

3.45 PM – 4.15 PM Panel 1: Examples of Child Protection Policies in Child Care Institutions/Residential Institutions for Children and Adolescents

Br. Angel Diego Garcia Otaola, Director of the Solidarity Secretariat of the Marist Brothers
Don Daniel García Reynoso Salesians of Don Bosco, Coordinator of the sector of social work and services in the Department for youth ministry 
Cristina Duranti Director of the Good Shepherd International Foundation

4.45 PM – 5.45 PM Panel 2: Field best practices to prevent all forms of violence and support children and adolescents who are victims

María Camila Caicedo, Program manager, BICE
Emanuele Montemarano, Attorney, FIDAE (Federation of the Catholic Schools of Italy) and KKEKSH (Catholic National Commission of Education, Albania) and president of the Compliance Body of UNI and ACCREDIA
Angela Matulli, Associated director for development, Fondazione De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale
Cristina Castelli, Director of the Research Unit on Resilience, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan 

6.15 PM Conclusions
After the event an aperitif will be offered.


Per registrarsi scrivere a entro il 25 ottobre


30 Ottobre 2019
15:00 - 19:00


De la Salle Onlus


Scuola generalizia dei fratelli delle scuole cristiane
Via aurelia 476
Roma, Italia
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